Enhancing Dependency Management with Renovate: A Practical Guide

In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, staying on top of dependencies is crucial for ensuring the security, stability, and efficiency of software projects. One popular tool in the industry is Renovate, a dependency management platform that automates updates and keeps projects up-to-date with the latest releases.

This blog talks about how we went about integrating Renovate into our workflow.

Note: While the steps outlined below are based on Bitbucket and Google Cloud, these can be adapted to the version control and cloud provider of your choice.

Understanding the Need for Dependency Management

In a world where software is built on a foundation of myriad dependencies, managing these dependencies effectively becomes paramount. Outdated dependencies can introduce security vulnerabilities, compatibility issues, and performance bottlenecks, posing significant risks to the integrity of software projects. Recognising the importance of proactive dependency management, we sought a solution that could automate the process of dependency updates while seamlessly integrating into our existing infrastructure. Having a structured, automated process to manage dependencies gives us a framework to make more frequent, manageable changes to application code as well, where required, to incorporate these dependency changes.

Enter Renovate: Automating Dependency Updates with Precision

Renovate proved to be an ideal tool in our pursuit of efficient dependency management practices. With its advanced automation features, Renovate efficiently scans project repositories, detects outdated dependencies, and generates pull requests with updated versions, all while adhering to customisable configuration rules. This streamlined process not only saves developer time but also helps ensure that projects stay up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.

Why Renovate?

While there are several tools available for the task, such as Dependabot, which is specifically designed for GitHub, we chose Renovate for its compatibility with Bitbucket, the version control tool we currently use.

By choosing Renovate, we were able to leverage its advanced automation capabilities and self-hosted nature, which enabled us to manage dependencies efficiently within our Kubernetes cluster.

Implementing Renovate in Our Infrastructure

Besides Bitbucket, which we mentioned, we use Jenkins to manage our deployments of services hosted on Kubernetes. Thus it made sense to deploy Renovate on Kubernetes as well to run our dependency checks.

Generating an App Password in Bitbucket

Renovate needs credentials to fetch code from version control, scan dependencies, and raise a PR in version control for the suggested dependency upgrades. So we can set up credentials for Renovate in Bitbucket with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Bitbucket Settings: Log in to your Bitbucket account and navigate to the settings by clicking on your profile picture in the bottom-left corner and selecting "Bitbucket settings."
  2. Access App Passwords: In the settings menu, locate and click on "App passwords" under the "Access management" section.
  3. Generate New App Password: Click on the "Create app password" button to generate a new app password. Provide a label for the password to identify its purpose, such as "Renovate Integration."
  4. Configure Permissions: Specify the permissions required for the app password. For Renovate, we recommend granting read and write access to repositories to ensure it can fetch dependency information for updates and create pull requests.
  5. Generate Password: After configuring the permissions, click on the "Create" or "Generate" button to generate the app password. Make note of the generated password as it will be required for the next steps.

Creating a Kubernetes Secret for Renovate

In order to securely pass on the Bitbucket credentials to Renovate, we store it as a Kubernetes secret. That way, when it is deployed, Renovate will be able to fetch and use the Bitbucket credentials.

  1. Create a Secret YAML File: Using your preferred text editor, create a YAML file named renovate-secret.yaml to define the Kubernetes secret.

Note: This is a temporary file and should not be stored in source control.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: renovate-k8-secret
  namespace: your-namespace
type: Opaque
  BITBUCKET_TOKEN: <Base64 Encoded Bitbucket App Password>
  1. Encode App Password: Encode the generated app password from Bitbucket into Base64 format. You can use online tools or command-line utilities like echo -n 'your-password' | base64 to perform this encoding.
  2. Replace Placeholder: Replace <Base64 Encoded App Password> in the YAML file with the Base64 encoded value of your generated app password.
  3. Apply Secret: Apply the secret to your Kubernetes cluster by running the following command:
kubectl apply -f renovate-secret.yaml

Configuring Renovate via Kubernetes ConfigMap

We kickstarted the process by defining a Kubernetes ConfigMap to encapsulate Renovate's configuration parameters. This included specifying the repositories to be monitored for dependency updates, ensuring flexibility and scalability across our diverse project ecosystem.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: renovate-config
  namespace: your-namespace
  repositories: |
kubectl apply -f renovate-configmap.yaml

Deploying Renovate as a Kubernetes Deployment

With the configuration in place, we orchestrated the deployment of Renovate as a Kubernetes Deployment, ensuring scalability and resilience. By containerising Renovate using Docker, we encapsulated its functionality within a self-contained environment, facilitating seamless deployment and maintenance. This is a simplified approach using a Kubernetes manifest directly. One could also use Helm with Helm Charts if required.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: renovate
  namespace: your-namespace
  replicas: 1
      app: renovate
        app: renovate
        - name: renovate
          image: renovate/renovate:latest
          command: ["renovate"]
            - name: RENOVATE_PLATFORM
              value: bitbucket
            - name: RENOVATE_USERNAME
              value: your-bitbucket-username
            - name: RENOVATE_REPOSITORIES
                  name: renovate-config
                  key: repositories
            - name: RENOVATE_PASSWORD
                  name: renovate-k8-secret
                  key: BITBUCKET_TOKEN
kubectl apply -f renovate-deployment.yaml

Monitoring Renovate Deployment and Observing Pull Requests

Once Renovate is successfully deployed on our Kubernetes cluster, we can monitor the status of the Renovate pod and observe how it raises pull requests for the onboarded repositories.

Checking the Status of the Renovate Pod

After applying the renovate-deployment.yaml, you can verify that the Renovate pod is running by executing the following command:

kubectl get pods -n your-namespace

You should see output indicating that the Renovate pod is running, similar to the following:

NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
renovate-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx  1/1     Running   0          5m

Viewing the Renovate Pod Logs

To check the logs and ensure that Renovate is operating as expected, you can use the following command:

kubectl logs <renovate-pod-name> -n your-namespace

Replace <renovate-pod-name> with the actual name of the Renovate pod. The logs will show the activity of the Renovate tool as it scans repositories and raises pull requests for dependency updates.

Example of a Pull Request Raised by Renovate

Here is an example of how a pull request (PR) raised by Renovate might look:

In this example PR, Renovate identifies an outdated dependency and suggests an update. The PR will include details such as:

  • The current version of the dependency.
  • The suggested updated version.
  • A changelog or release notes (if available).
  • Any additional information or instructions relevant to the update.

Using Jenkins to Deploy Renovate onto Our Kubernetes Cluster

To automate the execution of Renovate within our CI/CD pipeline, we leverage Jenkins's native support for Kubernetes. By configuring Jenkins to run jobs as pods within our Kubernetes cluster, we ensure that Renovate seamlessly integrates into our existing CI/CD workflows.

Configuring Jenkins Runner for Kubernetes Commands

In order to execute Kubernetes commands within our Jenkins pipeline, we need to set up a Jenkins job or runner capable of interacting with our Kubernetes cluster. Below is an example Jenkinsfile demonstrating how to execute the necessary Kubernetes commands to deploy Renovate:

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('Deploy Renovate') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh 'kubectl apply -f renovate-configmap.yaml'
                    sh 'kubectl apply -f renovate-deployment.yaml'

This Jenkinsfile defines a simple pipeline with one stage that executes the kubectl apply commands for deploying Renovate.

We then add Renovate as a stage in our CI pipeline, to run the dependency checks and raise a PR for fixes as required, and setting thresholds for failing the pipeline when needed.

Reflecting on Our Experience with Renovate

On setting up and executing Renovate, we got to understand the various gaps and things to update in the dependencies across our application stack. Setting this up with Jenkins and Kubernetes allowed us to leverage our existing infrastructure and tooling to integrate Renovate into our workflow seamlessly.

Key Lessons Learned:

  • Embracing automation has the potential to significantly improve dependency management processes.
  • Integration with Kubernetes and Jenkins facilitates smoother deployment and integration.
  • Prioritising proactive maintenance efforts is essential for safeguarding against security threats.
  • Cultivating a culture of continuous improvement fosters resilience and adaptability.

Empowering Developers, Strengthening Software Integrity

In an era characterised by rapid technological advancement, robust dependency management solutions are paramount. Renovate (or similar tools) are a fairly common practice across the industry. By leveraging modern tools and methodologies, we are laying the foundation for a future where software is not only reliable and secure but also agile and adaptable. We invite you to join us on this journey as we navigate the possibilities of the digital age with humility and determination.

Renovate, Bitbucket, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Jenkins, Automation, Dependency management, Software development
Enhancing Dependency Management with Renovate: A Practical Guide

In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, staying on top of dependencies is crucial for ensuring the security, stability, and efficiency of software projects. One popular tool in the industry is Renovate, a dependency management platform that automates updates and keeps projects up-to-date with the latest releases.

This blog talks about how we went about integrating Renovate into our workflow.

Note: While the steps outlined below are based on Bitbucket and Google Cloud, these can be adapted to the version control and cloud provider of your choice.

Understanding the Need for Dependency Management

In a world where software is built on a foundation of myriad dependencies, managing these dependencies effectively becomes paramount. Outdated dependencies can introduce security vulnerabilities, compatibility issues, and performance bottlenecks, posing significant risks to the integrity of software projects. Recognising the importance of proactive dependency management, we sought a solution that could automate the process of dependency updates while seamlessly integrating into our existing infrastructure. Having a structured, automated process to manage dependencies gives us a framework to make more frequent, manageable changes to application code as well, where required, to incorporate these dependency changes.

Enter Renovate: Automating Dependency Updates with Precision

Renovate proved to be an ideal tool in our pursuit of efficient dependency management practices. With its advanced automation features, Renovate efficiently scans project repositories, detects outdated dependencies, and generates pull requests with updated versions, all while adhering to customisable configuration rules. This streamlined process not only saves developer time but also helps ensure that projects stay up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.

Why Renovate?

While there are several tools available for the task, such as Dependabot, which is specifically designed for GitHub, we chose Renovate for its compatibility with Bitbucket, the version control tool we currently use.

By choosing Renovate, we were able to leverage its advanced automation capabilities and self-hosted nature, which enabled us to manage dependencies efficiently within our Kubernetes cluster.

Implementing Renovate in Our Infrastructure

Besides Bitbucket, which we mentioned, we use Jenkins to manage our deployments of services hosted on Kubernetes. Thus it made sense to deploy Renovate on Kubernetes as well to run our dependency checks.

Generating an App Password in Bitbucket

Renovate needs credentials to fetch code from version control, scan dependencies, and raise a PR in version control for the suggested dependency upgrades. So we can set up credentials for Renovate in Bitbucket with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Bitbucket Settings: Log in to your Bitbucket account and navigate to the settings by clicking on your profile picture in the bottom-left corner and selecting "Bitbucket settings."
  2. Access App Passwords: In the settings menu, locate and click on "App passwords" under the "Access management" section.
  3. Generate New App Password: Click on the "Create app password" button to generate a new app password. Provide a label for the password to identify its purpose, such as "Renovate Integration."
  4. Configure Permissions: Specify the permissions required for the app password. For Renovate, we recommend granting read and write access to repositories to ensure it can fetch dependency information for updates and create pull requests.
  5. Generate Password: After configuring the permissions, click on the "Create" or "Generate" button to generate the app password. Make note of the generated password as it will be required for the next steps.

Creating a Kubernetes Secret for Renovate

In order to securely pass on the Bitbucket credentials to Renovate, we store it as a Kubernetes secret. That way, when it is deployed, Renovate will be able to fetch and use the Bitbucket credentials.

  1. Create a Secret YAML File: Using your preferred text editor, create a YAML file named renovate-secret.yaml to define the Kubernetes secret.

Note: This is a temporary file and should not be stored in source control.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: renovate-k8-secret
  namespace: your-namespace
type: Opaque
  BITBUCKET_TOKEN: <Base64 Encoded Bitbucket App Password>
  1. Encode App Password: Encode the generated app password from Bitbucket into Base64 format. You can use online tools or command-line utilities like echo -n 'your-password' | base64 to perform this encoding.
  2. Replace Placeholder: Replace <Base64 Encoded App Password> in the YAML file with the Base64 encoded value of your generated app password.
  3. Apply Secret: Apply the secret to your Kubernetes cluster by running the following command:
kubectl apply -f renovate-secret.yaml

Configuring Renovate via Kubernetes ConfigMap

We kickstarted the process by defining a Kubernetes ConfigMap to encapsulate Renovate's configuration parameters. This included specifying the repositories to be monitored for dependency updates, ensuring flexibility and scalability across our diverse project ecosystem.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: renovate-config
  namespace: your-namespace
  repositories: |
kubectl apply -f renovate-configmap.yaml

Deploying Renovate as a Kubernetes Deployment

With the configuration in place, we orchestrated the deployment of Renovate as a Kubernetes Deployment, ensuring scalability and resilience. By containerising Renovate using Docker, we encapsulated its functionality within a self-contained environment, facilitating seamless deployment and maintenance. This is a simplified approach using a Kubernetes manifest directly. One could also use Helm with Helm Charts if required.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: renovate
  namespace: your-namespace
  replicas: 1
      app: renovate
        app: renovate
        - name: renovate
          image: renovate/renovate:latest
          command: ["renovate"]
            - name: RENOVATE_PLATFORM
              value: bitbucket
            - name: RENOVATE_USERNAME
              value: your-bitbucket-username
            - name: RENOVATE_REPOSITORIES
                  name: renovate-config
                  key: repositories
            - name: RENOVATE_PASSWORD
                  name: renovate-k8-secret
                  key: BITBUCKET_TOKEN
kubectl apply -f renovate-deployment.yaml

Monitoring Renovate Deployment and Observing Pull Requests

Once Renovate is successfully deployed on our Kubernetes cluster, we can monitor the status of the Renovate pod and observe how it raises pull requests for the onboarded repositories.

Checking the Status of the Renovate Pod

After applying the renovate-deployment.yaml, you can verify that the Renovate pod is running by executing the following command:

kubectl get pods -n your-namespace

You should see output indicating that the Renovate pod is running, similar to the following:

NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
renovate-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx  1/1     Running   0          5m

Viewing the Renovate Pod Logs

To check the logs and ensure that Renovate is operating as expected, you can use the following command:

kubectl logs <renovate-pod-name> -n your-namespace

Replace <renovate-pod-name> with the actual name of the Renovate pod. The logs will show the activity of the Renovate tool as it scans repositories and raises pull requests for dependency updates.

Example of a Pull Request Raised by Renovate

Here is an example of how a pull request (PR) raised by Renovate might look:

In this example PR, Renovate identifies an outdated dependency and suggests an update. The PR will include details such as:

  • The current version of the dependency.
  • The suggested updated version.
  • A changelog or release notes (if available).
  • Any additional information or instructions relevant to the update.

Using Jenkins to Deploy Renovate onto Our Kubernetes Cluster

To automate the execution of Renovate within our CI/CD pipeline, we leverage Jenkins's native support for Kubernetes. By configuring Jenkins to run jobs as pods within our Kubernetes cluster, we ensure that Renovate seamlessly integrates into our existing CI/CD workflows.

Configuring Jenkins Runner for Kubernetes Commands

In order to execute Kubernetes commands within our Jenkins pipeline, we need to set up a Jenkins job or runner capable of interacting with our Kubernetes cluster. Below is an example Jenkinsfile demonstrating how to execute the necessary Kubernetes commands to deploy Renovate:

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('Deploy Renovate') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh 'kubectl apply -f renovate-configmap.yaml'
                    sh 'kubectl apply -f renovate-deployment.yaml'

This Jenkinsfile defines a simple pipeline with one stage that executes the kubectl apply commands for deploying Renovate.

We then add Renovate as a stage in our CI pipeline, to run the dependency checks and raise a PR for fixes as required, and setting thresholds for failing the pipeline when needed.

Reflecting on Our Experience with Renovate

On setting up and executing Renovate, we got to understand the various gaps and things to update in the dependencies across our application stack. Setting this up with Jenkins and Kubernetes allowed us to leverage our existing infrastructure and tooling to integrate Renovate into our workflow seamlessly.

Key Lessons Learned:

  • Embracing automation has the potential to significantly improve dependency management processes.
  • Integration with Kubernetes and Jenkins facilitates smoother deployment and integration.
  • Prioritising proactive maintenance efforts is essential for safeguarding against security threats.
  • Cultivating a culture of continuous improvement fosters resilience and adaptability.

Empowering Developers, Strengthening Software Integrity

In an era characterised by rapid technological advancement, robust dependency management solutions are paramount. Renovate (or similar tools) are a fairly common practice across the industry. By leveraging modern tools and methodologies, we are laying the foundation for a future where software is not only reliable and secure but also agile and adaptable. We invite you to join us on this journey as we navigate the possibilities of the digital age with humility and determination.

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Enhancing Dependency Management with Renovate: A Practical Guide

Written by:  

Rajan Suri

August 14, 2024

5 min read

Enhancing Dependency Management with Renovate: A Practical Guide

In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, staying on top of dependencies is crucial for ensuring the security, stability, and efficiency of software projects. One popular tool in the industry is Renovate, a dependency management platform that automates updates and keeps projects up-to-date with the latest releases.

This blog talks about how we went about integrating Renovate into our workflow.

Note: While the steps outlined below are based on Bitbucket and Google Cloud, these can be adapted to the version control and cloud provider of your choice.

Understanding the Need for Dependency Management

In a world where software is built on a foundation of myriad dependencies, managing these dependencies effectively becomes paramount. Outdated dependencies can introduce security vulnerabilities, compatibility issues, and performance bottlenecks, posing significant risks to the integrity of software projects. Recognising the importance of proactive dependency management, we sought a solution that could automate the process of dependency updates while seamlessly integrating into our existing infrastructure. Having a structured, automated process to manage dependencies gives us a framework to make more frequent, manageable changes to application code as well, where required, to incorporate these dependency changes.

Enter Renovate: Automating Dependency Updates with Precision

Renovate proved to be an ideal tool in our pursuit of efficient dependency management practices. With its advanced automation features, Renovate efficiently scans project repositories, detects outdated dependencies, and generates pull requests with updated versions, all while adhering to customisable configuration rules. This streamlined process not only saves developer time but also helps ensure that projects stay up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.

Why Renovate?

While there are several tools available for the task, such as Dependabot, which is specifically designed for GitHub, we chose Renovate for its compatibility with Bitbucket, the version control tool we currently use.

By choosing Renovate, we were able to leverage its advanced automation capabilities and self-hosted nature, which enabled us to manage dependencies efficiently within our Kubernetes cluster.

Implementing Renovate in Our Infrastructure

Besides Bitbucket, which we mentioned, we use Jenkins to manage our deployments of services hosted on Kubernetes. Thus it made sense to deploy Renovate on Kubernetes as well to run our dependency checks.

Generating an App Password in Bitbucket

Renovate needs credentials to fetch code from version control, scan dependencies, and raise a PR in version control for the suggested dependency upgrades. So we can set up credentials for Renovate in Bitbucket with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Bitbucket Settings: Log in to your Bitbucket account and navigate to the settings by clicking on your profile picture in the bottom-left corner and selecting "Bitbucket settings."
  2. Access App Passwords: In the settings menu, locate and click on "App passwords" under the "Access management" section.
  3. Generate New App Password: Click on the "Create app password" button to generate a new app password. Provide a label for the password to identify its purpose, such as "Renovate Integration."
  4. Configure Permissions: Specify the permissions required for the app password. For Renovate, we recommend granting read and write access to repositories to ensure it can fetch dependency information for updates and create pull requests.
  5. Generate Password: After configuring the permissions, click on the "Create" or "Generate" button to generate the app password. Make note of the generated password as it will be required for the next steps.

Creating a Kubernetes Secret for Renovate

In order to securely pass on the Bitbucket credentials to Renovate, we store it as a Kubernetes secret. That way, when it is deployed, Renovate will be able to fetch and use the Bitbucket credentials.

  1. Create a Secret YAML File: Using your preferred text editor, create a YAML file named renovate-secret.yaml to define the Kubernetes secret.

Note: This is a temporary file and should not be stored in source control.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: renovate-k8-secret
  namespace: your-namespace
type: Opaque
  BITBUCKET_TOKEN: <Base64 Encoded Bitbucket App Password>
  1. Encode App Password: Encode the generated app password from Bitbucket into Base64 format. You can use online tools or command-line utilities like echo -n 'your-password' | base64 to perform this encoding.
  2. Replace Placeholder: Replace <Base64 Encoded App Password> in the YAML file with the Base64 encoded value of your generated app password.
  3. Apply Secret: Apply the secret to your Kubernetes cluster by running the following command:
kubectl apply -f renovate-secret.yaml

Configuring Renovate via Kubernetes ConfigMap

We kickstarted the process by defining a Kubernetes ConfigMap to encapsulate Renovate's configuration parameters. This included specifying the repositories to be monitored for dependency updates, ensuring flexibility and scalability across our diverse project ecosystem.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: renovate-config
  namespace: your-namespace
  repositories: |
kubectl apply -f renovate-configmap.yaml

Deploying Renovate as a Kubernetes Deployment

With the configuration in place, we orchestrated the deployment of Renovate as a Kubernetes Deployment, ensuring scalability and resilience. By containerising Renovate using Docker, we encapsulated its functionality within a self-contained environment, facilitating seamless deployment and maintenance. This is a simplified approach using a Kubernetes manifest directly. One could also use Helm with Helm Charts if required.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: renovate
  namespace: your-namespace
  replicas: 1
      app: renovate
        app: renovate
        - name: renovate
          image: renovate/renovate:latest
          command: ["renovate"]
            - name: RENOVATE_PLATFORM
              value: bitbucket
            - name: RENOVATE_USERNAME
              value: your-bitbucket-username
            - name: RENOVATE_REPOSITORIES
                  name: renovate-config
                  key: repositories
            - name: RENOVATE_PASSWORD
                  name: renovate-k8-secret
                  key: BITBUCKET_TOKEN
kubectl apply -f renovate-deployment.yaml

Monitoring Renovate Deployment and Observing Pull Requests

Once Renovate is successfully deployed on our Kubernetes cluster, we can monitor the status of the Renovate pod and observe how it raises pull requests for the onboarded repositories.

Checking the Status of the Renovate Pod

After applying the renovate-deployment.yaml, you can verify that the Renovate pod is running by executing the following command:

kubectl get pods -n your-namespace

You should see output indicating that the Renovate pod is running, similar to the following:

NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
renovate-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx  1/1     Running   0          5m

Viewing the Renovate Pod Logs

To check the logs and ensure that Renovate is operating as expected, you can use the following command:

kubectl logs <renovate-pod-name> -n your-namespace

Replace <renovate-pod-name> with the actual name of the Renovate pod. The logs will show the activity of the Renovate tool as it scans repositories and raises pull requests for dependency updates.

Example of a Pull Request Raised by Renovate

Here is an example of how a pull request (PR) raised by Renovate might look:

In this example PR, Renovate identifies an outdated dependency and suggests an update. The PR will include details such as:

  • The current version of the dependency.
  • The suggested updated version.
  • A changelog or release notes (if available).
  • Any additional information or instructions relevant to the update.

Using Jenkins to Deploy Renovate onto Our Kubernetes Cluster

To automate the execution of Renovate within our CI/CD pipeline, we leverage Jenkins's native support for Kubernetes. By configuring Jenkins to run jobs as pods within our Kubernetes cluster, we ensure that Renovate seamlessly integrates into our existing CI/CD workflows.

Configuring Jenkins Runner for Kubernetes Commands

In order to execute Kubernetes commands within our Jenkins pipeline, we need to set up a Jenkins job or runner capable of interacting with our Kubernetes cluster. Below is an example Jenkinsfile demonstrating how to execute the necessary Kubernetes commands to deploy Renovate:

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('Deploy Renovate') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh 'kubectl apply -f renovate-configmap.yaml'
                    sh 'kubectl apply -f renovate-deployment.yaml'

This Jenkinsfile defines a simple pipeline with one stage that executes the kubectl apply commands for deploying Renovate.

We then add Renovate as a stage in our CI pipeline, to run the dependency checks and raise a PR for fixes as required, and setting thresholds for failing the pipeline when needed.

Reflecting on Our Experience with Renovate

On setting up and executing Renovate, we got to understand the various gaps and things to update in the dependencies across our application stack. Setting this up with Jenkins and Kubernetes allowed us to leverage our existing infrastructure and tooling to integrate Renovate into our workflow seamlessly.

Key Lessons Learned:

  • Embracing automation has the potential to significantly improve dependency management processes.
  • Integration with Kubernetes and Jenkins facilitates smoother deployment and integration.
  • Prioritising proactive maintenance efforts is essential for safeguarding against security threats.
  • Cultivating a culture of continuous improvement fosters resilience and adaptability.

Empowering Developers, Strengthening Software Integrity

In an era characterised by rapid technological advancement, robust dependency management solutions are paramount. Renovate (or similar tools) are a fairly common practice across the industry. By leveraging modern tools and methodologies, we are laying the foundation for a future where software is not only reliable and secure but also agile and adaptable. We invite you to join us on this journey as we navigate the possibilities of the digital age with humility and determination.

About Greyamp

Greyamp is a boutique Management Consulting firm that works with large enterprises to help them on their Digital Transformation journeys, going across the organisation, covering process, people, culture, and technology. Subscribe here to get our latest digital transformation insights.